Friday, April 3, 2009

Get ready for my new website

This week I've begun construction of a new site to replace my old site. The main reason is that I want to use a domain name and a different name (the new site will be "A Confessional Baptist" like this blog), and since I don't use any dynamic server side software this would mean going through the pages of my old site and changing hundreds of links by hand, something I'm not willing to devote the time to.

Other reasons are the archaic look and rather clunky HTML. My HTML skills are far from mad, but hopefully the new site will be slicker, cleaner, more modern looking, and easier for me to keep updated. I hope that it will be more cross-browser functional, as the non-IE browsers are gaining in popularity.

As far as content changes, the new site will be more focused on Reformed Baptist resources. There are a lot of Reformed resource sites on the internet, but very few that focus and give preference to Reformed Baptist resources. The Reformed Reader is still online and the best site I've found for Reformed Baptist info but it is no longer being updated. As far as generally Reformed resource sites, nobody can beat and they have that well covered. No need to re-invent the wheel.

The content will be mostly categorized off-site links, but I will have some confessional Baptist documents on site and original articles. My plan is to have an introductory page for each category with links to on-site and off-site resources that are category specific. Preference will be given to Reformed Baptist resources in every category.

Lord willing I will have the site up and running in the next couple of months. I'll keep you posted. If there is anything you would like to see on a website let me know in the comments to this post and I will consider it.

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