Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Islamic Europe

I have somewhat against this video; Islam is not a race, and Muslims are not born but created. If Europe only had a vital, vibrant Christian witness, the influx of Islamic peoples could be an evangelical boon! Imagine the opportunity to preach the gospel unfettered to millions of Islamic people, many of whom would return to their former countries to tell others of the good news of Jesus Christ.

But I'm afraid this opportunity will not be exploited but squandered, and the rise of Islam will enslave Europe in the stranglehold of useless religion and oppressive moralism.

The Muslims are mearly filling the vacuum created by the indigenous people when they traded Christianity for worldly pleasures and sought satisfaction in sin rather than Christ. Western civilization has been ingenious in facilitating its insatiable fornication desires with abortion and contraceptives. Marriage has become a by-word and children are seen as obstacles to one's own fulfillment in life, not to mention bad for the environment.

And don't think the United States is not on the same path. Christianity is rapidly losing ground in America to heretical imitations and rival religions as the church has lost its message and has become timid, fearful and worldly.

Pray for the believers in Europe.

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  1. im taking a class on the gospel and islam presently. its fairly interesting but i have the distinct impression that the guys who wrote the books im reading didnt know any muslims.

  2. I haven't written any books, but I don't know any Muslims either. And frankly, the video may be of dubious origins, I really don't know. I certainly wouldn't use it as a source, because I can't read the sources in the video.

    I think that it was probably produced as a "scare" video to pretend that "Muslim hordes" invading Europe are somehow worse than the hordes already occupying Europe or the USA. The plain fact is, most people in the world are worshiping the false prophet of counterfeit religion, the beast of political and military might, or else the seductive whore of prosperity and riches, all of which are passing away with the world at Chrsit's coming.

    In a word- it's Christ or idolatry, the mark of the beast or the mark of God- there is no gray area.

    But if the demographics are true, or even half true, then a great evangelical opportunity is being squandered, to reach a people who would probably have never heard of grace in their homelands. But most people won't hear of such "bigotry". They want there to be a gray area, where you are safe unless you are Hitler.
