Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm still around

You may be wondering why I haven't blogged in a while. Well it's a combination of laziness, lack of time, and really not having anything much to say. I know most people use their blogs as they are meant to be used- as a public diary of sorts. I'm not sure that my day to day musings and thoughts are worth sharing as a whole, and, frankly, I'm not sure most of the blog posts I read are worth reading.

At any rate, I have a couple of interesting links for you.

The first is a blog by an old internet friend of mine, goes by the handle
Graceshaker. The Holy Wild

He doesn't like categories like "Reformed" and "Calvinist" and "Baptist" and so-forth, which is OK because he doesn't really fit into any of them. Some of his beliefs I strongly disagree with. Nevertheless, Graceshaker has a strong belief in God's absolute sovereignty and man's depravity, and the gospel of grace. His blog is more like what a blog was meant to be (as I described above), and is really some of the most interesting reading around.

Next is an exciting (to me) new internet resource, Puritan Picks.

It is a DVD lending library business similar to Netflix, without all the wickedness. They not only have documentary and educational videos, but lots of clean entertainment DVDs as well.

Lastly, I may as well introduce my new website, A Confessional Baptist.

I had hope to have more content there by now, but, for the same reasons I haven't updated my blog in a good while, I don't. What is available is a presentation of the gospel, the 1689 LBCF, the Baptist Catechism (Keach's), Cambridge Declaration, Daily Scripture readings, memorization, a couple of devotional and news feeds, and a link to my Cafe Press store.

The next thing I will have ready on the website will be the Canons of Dort, and it will be up soon. After that, i will tackle a little original writing with articles about Reformed Baptist Distinctives and then I don't know. I hope you enjoy the site and find it's resources useful. Feel free to tell me what you think here or through the contact form at the website.

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